The Tale of an ALS Survivor # 19
Only a few months earlier, after months of not being able to move
anything except two fingers on my right hand and my head, it seemed as if I had been inching closer to the Doorway to God.
I had come so close to ending my life because I had been afraid
of what my family and what I would have to face as my physical
condition deteriorated.I was afraid of taking my own life, but it did give me a sense of power over this disease.I felt every minute I was alive may be the minute I will feel a change in my condition. So I did not end my challenge early. No hope was terrifying, but that was all coming from the medical doctors. Once I found hope at the Naturopathic doctors office with Dr. Greg, I became a fighter. Hope is Powerful.
My Faith in Gods plan for me kept me fighting. I had been given a sign twice that a Higher Power was aware of my challenge. I am so glad I did not end my life early.
Giving up was not in my families mind. We are united in our Love for one another and this journey with ALS. I gave up hope at times, but my family never did. Thank you!!
I knew that my life would never be the same. My experience had become a daily reminder to myself that I am more than I — or
anyone else — ever imagined ourselves to be. An unseen POWER had entered my body and started the Healing process. What had touched me so deeply was a sense of wonderment — a state of awed admiration or respect — at what had saved me from ALS.
11/6/06 Spring Hill Physical Therapy
McFinn has continued to make steady progress, he was standing
a lot at home and may have overtaxed himself, he fell down the
steps into his old bedroom and has been using his wheelchair
more at home. His range of motion continues to increase, right
thumb is painful and swollen.
Treatment plan: range of motion, strengthening, gait, balance,
stress reduction techniques, movement re-education.
I wanted my Life back, faster than it was happening.
Being able to care for myself in small ways was so big for me.
The privacy of using the toilet was an understandable milestone.
No longer did I need the kindness of others to care for me.
My loss of movement taught me how amazing my body was. I
could feel my muscles activating themselves by my mere
thought… wow. I never realized how smart our creator was.
When I needed help, and I still do, I prayed for it.
My life is becoming a Prayerful experience. I spend more time speaking and listening to my Creator than I do my family or friends. I know I am being heard by witnessing my recovery.
It took a large team of folks to help me through this
journey: the chiropractor, neurologist, primary care physician,
Naturopathic doctor, home health nurses, dentist, Mona, Bret,
Erick, cranial sacral therapist, massage therapist, physical
therapist, Prayer Circle, Romy — the spiritual healer from the
Philippines — myself, McFinn, and cannabis.
I wish my family and I had experienced the education and support from people around the world through back then.
Lately pALS have been confiding in me how burdensome they
feel to their families or friends. I tell them I started to feel that way, until I told my family, I felt like a burden to them, I was so wrong. Each person in my family told me how much they loved me, no matter what, even with the challenge of ALS. I cried and I could see the tears in theirs eyes also. This disease united my family. Team Lovere!!
Cannabis was my daily medication. I needed relief from the
constant stress this disease was bringing into my life. I also
needed to quiet my overactive mind. I took sleeping pills at times
but preferred vaporizing marijuana for getting to sleep.
I was worried about getting better and then about losing what I
had gained. Then I remembered the theory: 87 percent of the
things we worry about never happen and the last 17 percent we
figure out. I took another hit from the vaporizer, thinking,
“Everything will work out, McFinn, just do your part.”
12/6/06 Springhill physical therapy
McFinn feels he has reached a plateau in his recovery but notes
shoulder range of motion and finger dexterity improving a little. He is walking with a cane and independent as long as his balance is OK.
Focus of treatment on improving strength, balance and range of motion.
My Vision of Wholeness was in sight.