The Tale of an ALS Survivor #16
I Can Feel the Light at the End of the Tunnel!!
Hope came springing back into my days. I say “spring” because
this happened unbelievably fast. I thought I had nine more months of life… at best. Do you see how that doctor’s life expectancy prediction of 18 months affected me?
It was a burden, the sharp tip of a needle, always poking
my mind.
My doctors were working with all the information they’d gathered
in medical school, and I appreciated most of their help.
I know I am a very unusual case. Maybe to some folks, a given
date with death might seem helpful, so they can get their affairs in order.
I kept returning to the question: How can this be? I
believe I am recovering, so how could this death sentence be true?
I have never known a human who says he or she is in contact
with Angels. This is where my Faith stepped in. I was blessed to
feel the physical effects Romy prayed for. I was coming back, inch by multiple inches.
Spring Hill Physical Therapy 7/9/06
Mr. Lovere is making progress, he can now walk 20 feet with the
support of a frame. He can get out of his wheelchair
independently, has decreased shoulder pain and can increase
REM action to 45° elevation, he can now feed himself.
It’s been over seven months since my family and friends have been feeding me. Even though it’s difficult, it’s a huge win to be able to hold a fork in my hand, let alone raise it part way to my mouth.
I celebrated every inch forward. My first time trying to feed myself
was messy. I had to bend down to the height where my arm could lift. Then I had to get my fingers to remember all the little dancing motions necessary to get the food into my mouth.
Every movement my body made was slow; my mind wanted
things to move along more quickly, but Quick was nowhere to be
I started to take back my life ever so slowly, but it was hard
at times not to want to push the envelope. If this story is hitting
close to home for some of my readers and you need support, my
team at info@everythingals is there to help.
I kept falling without being able to stop myself. I was too excited about my physical improvements and got hurt more on the recovery than I had previously during my paralyzed state.
My wheelchair had been my safe spot, but now that I was
venturing around the house, my walker became my buddy.
I got so excited about being able to prepare my own food that I
was unaware of my physical limitations. Meals take a while to
cook and I didn’t know my body needed rest until my knee
gave way and I hit the floor.
A leg brace was my next aid.
Physical therapy was the key in bringing back my muscles. I
spent weeks just pushing against springs with my legs. Then I would lie under over hanging springs with handles and try to pull on them.
8/8/06 Spring Hill Physical Therapy
Mr. Lovere is making good progress with improving strength and
range of motion, he can now transfer from his wheelchair to the
toilet independently, he is walking with a walker. His left knee
gave out twice in the last two weeks and his confidence is
reduced. He will now be walking with a knee brace.
treatment plan: range of motion, mobility and gait training progressing to elbow crutches.
I am thankful for my progress.
Finding my way back to wholeness was going to take time, but I
had all the time I needed now. What a feeling, to gain the ability to care for myself.
As I started to move again, I kept wondering, “How did
this turnaround really happen? How can I share my story to help
What I discovered after 15 years of trying to understand the
Healing during and after the experience with the Prayer Circle and Romy was this: It was my Personal relationship with my Creator and its Servants that healed me, not the doctors.
When I asked my Naturopathic doctor, “What do you think turned my ALS around?” Dr. Greg’s reply was, “You, yourself,
I think I had an intervention from an Energy that I do not fully
I was starting to regain my privacy. I needed 24-hour care just
over a month ago. Now, still wearing my loose clothing, I could
use the toilet by myself.
This ALS has been and still was the biggest challenge of my life.
Mona had married me only three years earlier. It was hard to stop
feeling guilty for bringing ALS into her life.
Mona was my main supporter; she never gave up Hope. Before Bret, my
caretaker, came on board, Mona maintained my life with Deep
Loving Care. I was blessed to have her put her life aside to be
there for me.
I was difficult to deal with at times. I felt justified in my sadness
and negative attitude. Mona just kept Loving me through my most stressful times. I will find a way to repay her, someday.
Big Change: Bret needed to carry on with his personal life.
My confidante, who also gave me showers, dental flossed and
brushed my teeth, cooked for and fed me, put me to bed and got
me out in the morning, dressed me, undressed me, filled my
vaporizer so I could have my cannabis medicine, emptied my
urinal, put me on and took me off the toilet, combed my hair,
exercised my body daily, made me get on the floor and squirm,
listened to me cry and not get tired of being my Dearest Friend.
Thank you forever, Bret!!
Finding someone like Bret?
That’s a tall order to fill.
Professional help was hard to find in the forest where we lived.
Mona started calling friends asking for leads. One day the phone
rang with a recommendation from a friend. We followed through
and met my new helper.
Eric needed a place to live and did not have a job. We had a
place for him to live and a full-time job. Although Bret had seen
me through my most challenging time and I was now on the
mend, I still needed basic care. Eric would drive me to town and
unload me and my wheelchair so I could get my two hours of
physical therapy twice a week.
9/7/06 Spring Hill Physical Therapy
Mr. Lovere continues to make dramatic improvements, he is now
able to walk independently with two canes and can climb 12
stairs, he does report his left knee is painful and weak.
Treatment plan: alignment techniques gait and strength training
balance activities.
I am in a state of ups and downs, but I knew now that my
recovery was going to happen. Patience and gratitude were my
two major Friends. Cannabis was my constant companion during
this journey. It calmed me down when my stress level was getting
unbearable. It kept me company when I needed to go into deep
meditation. It was a social activity and it was home grown.
Mona grew my most appreciated medicine. I could go on and on
about how Mona cared for me. I was Blessed with a wife who
knew how to Stay Calm and Carry On!! Even as I fell, yet again!
I had to cry. She had to try to get me up off the floor.
Mr. Lovere is making good progress with improving strength and
range of motion, he can now transfer from his wheelchair to the
toilet independently, he is walking with a walker. His left knee
gave out twice in the last two weeks and his confidence is
reduced. He will now be walking with a knee brace.
treatment plan: range of motion, mobility and gait training progressing to elbow crutches.
I am thankful for my progress.
Finding my way back to wholeness was going to take time, but I
had all the time I needed now. What a feeling, to gain the ability to care for myself.
As I started to move again, I kept wondering, “How did
this turnaround really happen? How can I share my story to help
What I discovered after 15 years of trying to understand the
Healing during and after the experience with the Prayer Circle and Romy was this: It was my Personal relationship with my Creator and its Servants that healed me, not the doctors.
When I asked my naturopathic doctor, “What do you think turned my ALS around?” Dr. Greg’s reply was, “You, yourself,
I think I had an intervention from an Energy that I do not fully
I was starting to regain my privacy. I needed 24-hour care just
over a month ago. Now, still wearing my loose clothing, I could
use the toilet by myself.
This ALS has been and still was the biggest challenge of my life.
Mona had married me only three years earlier. It was hard to stop
feeling guilty for bringing ALS into her life. Mona was
my main supporter; she never gave up Hope. Before Bret, my
caretaker, came on board, Mona maintained my life with Deep
Loving Care. I was blessed to have her put her life aside to be
there for me.
I was difficult to deal with at times. I felt justified in my sadness
and negative attitude. Mona just kept Loving me through my most stressful times. I will find a way to repay her, someday.
Big Change: Bret needed to carry on with his personal life.
My confidante, who also gave me showers, dental flossed and
brushed my teeth, cooked for and fed me, put me to bed and got
me out in the morning, dressed me, undressed me, filled my
vaporizer so I could have my cannabis medicine, emptied my
urinal, put me on and took me off the toilet, combed my hair,
exercised my body daily, made me get on the floor and squirm,
listened to me cry and not get tired of being my Dearest Friend.
Thank you forever, Bret!!
Finding someone like Bret?
That’s a tall order to fill.
Professional help was hard to find in the forest where we lived.
Mona started calling friends asking for leads. One day the phone
rang with a recommendation from a friend. We followed through
and met my new helper.
Eric needed a place to live and did not have a job. We had a
place for him to live and a full-time job. Although Bret had seen
me through my most challenging time and I was now on the
mend, I still needed basic care. Eric would drive me to town and
unload me and my wheelchair so I could get my two hours of
physical therapy twice a week.
9/7/06 Spring Hill Physical Therapy
Mr. Lovere continues to make dramatic improvements, he is now
able to walk independently with two canes and can climb 12
stairs, he does report his left knee is painful and weak.
Treatment plan: alignment techniques gait and strength training
balance activities.
I am in a state of ups and downs, but I knew now that my
recovery was going to happen. Patience and gratitude were my
two major Friends. Cannabis was my constant companion during
this journey. It calmed me down when my stress level was getting
unbearable. It kept me company when I needed to go into deep
meditation. It was a social activity and it was home grown.
Mona grew my most appreciated medicine. I could go on and on
about how Mona cared for me. I was Blessed with a wife who
knew how to Stay Calm and Carry On!! Even as I fell, yet again!
I had to cry. She had to try to get me up off the floor.
The path back was still full of Ups and Downs but I was headed in the right direction!