Anna ,The time is now for folks passing on. For the rest of us, it's time to go back to ancient roots to find our connection to Natures answers. Mushrooms have our best interest in mind, they want to become, through us, a voice to Balance our nature. NOW, is a fine place to hang out. Thanks for your eye opener blog. We are more than we seem !!
I am serving folks with ALS through I contacted John Hopkins psychedelic and consciousness research project to ask for a slot for an ALS person who wanted to end their life. I was hoping for a new therapy for ALS using psilocybin. J.H did not have a slot for us. Oregon is opening up asap. Thanks for moving this subject along. We are looking for the start-up needed to go Beyond present researchers. AI is part of our plan. We are collecting bio-markers from over 400 folks right now, on our way to a 1000 by year's end. Every day is filled with the unknown, the more we peek in, the more we BE. A fine day to you, Anna